Panzer Corps 2: Frontlines – Cyrenaica

Panzer Corp 2 ~ Frontlines: Cyrenaica DLC ~ Tutorial and Tips

Experience the crucial North African Campaign like never before in Panzer Corps 2 Frontlines: Cyrenaica. Covering the battles of Operation E and Operation Compass, this DLC immerses you in the iconic struggles for control over Cyrenaica. Lead both the Italian and British forces in two expansive campaigns that bring the desert theater to life with unique units, innovative mechanics, and immersive desert warfare.

Panzer Corps 2 Frontlines Cyrenaica-RUNE

Mirror #1 [Torrent] (7.5 GB)


– Extract
– Burn or mount the .iso
– Run setup.exe and install
– Copy crack from RUNE dir to installdir
– Play